Mu'jiza (Miracle) Of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) Part-3

                                               Angels with the Rasul

Hadhrat Ibn Abbaas radiyAllaahu unlhuma narrates that Rasulullali sallAllaahu alaybi Evergreen State sallam same on the day of Badr: this can be Jibraeel holding onto the pinnacle of his horse, equipped with the implements of Evergreen Stater” Hadhrat Sa’d bin Abi Waqqaas radiyAllaahu unhu narrated: On the day of Uhud I saw on the correct and on the left of Rasulullah sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam 2 men wearing white fighting ferociously. I had ne'er seen them before and neither thenceforth. They were Jibraeel and Meekaaeel alayhiinassalaam.


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