Health Benefits of Foods Mentioned in the Quran

 Health Benefits of Foods Mentioned in the Quran

Why will Allah mention bound foods within the Quran?

As you browse through the religious writing you may notice that a lot of foods square measure mentioned by name. have you ever ever questioned why the fig was mentioned as opposition the apricot? Or why honey is mentioned and not orange juice?


There emerges from their bellies (bee) a drink, varied in colours, during which there's healing for folks [Quran 16:69]

A few analysis studies are conducted on Manuka honey. they need found that it will facilitate wounds heal, it will fight microorganism, and it will facilitate soothe a cough.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) additionally mentioned the healing powers of honey:

Narrated Ibn ‘Abbas: The Prophet aforementioned, ‘Healing is in 3 things: bloodletting, a gulp of honey or surgical process, (branding with fire) however I forbid my followers to use surgical process (branding with fire) . . .’ [Bukhari]

Olive Oil

Lit from [the oil of] a blessed fruit tree . . . [Quran 24:35]

People living in countries like Italy consume lots of oil. analysis has shown that they're less doubtless to suffer from stroke, cardiopathy, and high vital sign. They additionally live longer.


The milk of animals is additionally counseled within the religious writing.

We provide you with drink from what's in their bellies-between excretion and blood- pure milk, comestible to drinkers [Quran 16: 66]

Milk contains metallic element, that is important to form bones sturdy and healthy. It additionally has alternative nutrients that contribute to smart bone health, like atomic number 12, vitamin K, and ascorbic acid.


We square measure made up of water, and water is important to our life.

Allah has created each [living] creature from water . . . [Quran 24:45]

We can solely survive for 3 days while not water.


And [we produce] gardens of grapevines and olives and pomegranates, similar nonetheless varied. [Quran 6:99]

This bright coloured fruit may be a store of vitamins and minerals. several claims are created and many analysis studies conducted. It hasn’t been verified formally, however there's some proof to recommend that it will scale back some cancers.


By the fig and therefore the olive . . . [Quran 95:1]

Figs contain several nutrients like B vitamin, calcium, A, and K. Figs square measure even mentioned within the Bible. Figs contain fibre, which may facilitate relieve constipation.


Lawful to you is game from the ocean and its food as provisions for you. [Quran 5:96]

Fish contain omega-3-fatty acids. this will facilitate improve brain power and may additionally build it easier for blood to flow through your body and scale back the possibilities of developing blood clots. food will facilitate fight depression, too.

Seafood will facilitate alleviate the symptoms of atrophic arthritis. Fish contains axerophthol, a special variety of ascorbic acid which may improve visual sense higher.


And the camels and therefore the kine we've got appointed for you as among the symbols of Allah; for you in that is sweet. thus mention the name of Allah upon them once lined up [for sacrifice]; and after they square measure [lifeless] on their sides, then eat from them. [Quran 22:36]

Animal meat is high in macromolecule. we want this to assist repair body tissues like muscles. each cell in our body has macromolecule in it.


 Allah’s courier (ﷺ) aforementioned, ‘He World Health Organization chuck seven ‘Ajwa dates each morning, won't be laid low with poison or magic on the day he chuck them.’ [Bukhari]

Dates contain several important nutrients like metallic element, potassium, calcium, iron and copper. within the religious writing, Maryam was given dates to eat when giving birth.

Thousands of years when the religious writing was unconcealed, bioscience has shown North American nation the advantage of bound foods. All praise is for Allah World Health Organization created food as a cure and medication for North American nation.


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