Miracles of the Quran

Miracles of the Quran

The Holy Quran which was revelated on the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) 1400 years back is still a fully fledged book of guidance for those who ponder and understand the true essence of God Almighty's teachings to mankind. The Quran being a holy book still provide us with such thought provoking miraculous things which are valid till the Day of Judgment and life hereafter. Not only the religious aspects, The Holy Book, revelates those aspects which were never known to human beings 1400 year back, however; they the very well known to today's scientific world. It is to be noted that the Quran is not just limited to the Muslims, but it is a treasure of wisdom and knowledge for those who read understand and believe in it.

Following the five selected miracles, which are minute drops taken from the Ocean of miracles and predictions, addressed by the Holy Quran.

1) Universe is in motion and expanding

About 1400 Years ago when science of astronomy was just in its primitive stage, Quran revealed that the universe is expanding. The Quran states, "and it is We who have constructed the heaven with might and verily. It is We who are steadily expanding it" (The Quran, 51:47). Until the dawn of twentieth century, the science had no clue whether the universe is expanding or not, it was a common myth that universe is static. It is the miracle of Holy Quran who told mankind about it 1400 years ago. In early 20th Century, Belgian Cosmologist Georges Leimaitre, discovered and proved by his theoretical calculations that the earth has a beginning and its continuously expanding. Later on many well known astronomers and even NASA has agreed and authenticated the fact that the universe is in constant motion.

2) God has created Orbits and all the heavenly bodies are floating in sync

It was the time when there were no telescopes, space shuttles and modern scientific technology, Quran disclosed to its believers that, "it is He who created the night and the day, and the Sun and the Moon. They swim along each in an orbit" (The Quran, 36:38). In another verse the God Almighty says, "By the sky, full of orbits and paths" (The Quran, 51:7). Today we know that Sun is not static and all the planets are moving on their predefined orbits. There are hundred and thousand of galaxies, consisting of billions of stars and all are moving in a systematic manner and cannot deviate from their orbits and paths. The Quran registered it 1400 years back.

3) Earth is not flat but round:

For Centuries, it was known to the West that the Earth is flat and not round and the scientists came to know about the roundness of earth quite later to the Quranic revelation. Quran hinted that earth is not flat but round in the following verses, "He has created the Heavens and the Earth for truth. He wraps up the night in the day and wraps the day up in the night" (The Quran 39:5). In Arabic, wrapping is referred towards the way a turban is worn (round and round). As the Holy Book is revelated in Arabic so it has communicated initially to the Arabs who used to wear turbans, who would understand as how the day and night phenomena takes place and how it operates in a circular motion

4) Everything is created in pairs

Till 1933, it was not known to anyone that everything is paired on this planet. It was Paul Dirac, a British scientist who proved that the matter is created in pairs and a won a noble prize on this discovery in 1933. According to him every matter has its anti-matter for instance proton is positively charged paired with an electron which is negatively charged particle. Quran disclosed it to the mankind in the 7th Century AD. The Quran states, "Glory be to Him who created all in pairs. From what the earth produces, from themselves and from things unknown to them" (The Quran 36:36). Undoubtedly, glory lies to the God Almighty and none other.

5) Frontal part of cerebrum (brain) controls the vice and virtue

"No indeed if he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock" (The Quran, 96: 15-16). Here the Quran addresses to the sinful man's frontal part of the cerebrum. The forelock or frontal part of the cerebrum is the part of the human brain which is responsible for planning, motivation and initiating the good and sinful behavior. This is an area which controls the lies and truth of a human being (see Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology). Here again, this discovery has just taken place around 60 years back where the Holy Quran has proved it in 7th Century AD.

The Holy Quran does not need justifications. What God's revelation states is the truth and nothing else. In today's world most of the things have been proved in the light of Holy Quran many have to come in future. It is only a matter of understanding and believing in the words of God, which reached to us through Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).


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