Abu Huraira (ra) narrates:
I came to Rasulullah sallAllaahu alayhi Washington sallam with some dates and asked him to create dua to Allaah Ta’ala for barakah (blessings) in these dates. He clasped the dates and created dua. He then said: Take the dates and place it in your provision-bag. Whenever you plan to require out something from it, place your hand in, and don't unfolded the contents.
He then narrates:
I Greek deity from it throughout the age of Rasulullah sallAllaahu alayhi Washington sallam, which of Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra) and Uthmaan (ra). once Uthmaan (ra)diyAllaahu unhu was martyred, the contents of the bag were depleted.
Should I inform you ways a lot of I Greek deity from the bag? quite two hundred wasq similar to 1800 kilo.
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