Blasphemy Or Intellectual Terrorism

Blasphemy Or Intellectual Terrorism

All the Abrahamic religions whether or not Judaism, Christianity and especially Islam condemns blasphemy wherever the one that is defendant of blasphemy (whether its literature or image) shall be sentenced to death. within the third book of the Torah, book 24:16, it's mentioned that, "Those World Health Organization speak blasphemy shall sure as shooting be place to death." Besides that, the Seven laws of Noah, that Jews settle for as pertinent to each faith, prohibits blasphemy. Moreover, theological system powerfully denounces blasphemy.

Blasphemy in true sense is associate degree insult and disrespectful angle towards God, Holy Spirits and His Prophets. In short, it's the derision of non secular beliefs, customs and artifacts. What one will say additional regarding the blasphemy? Logos and Moses area unit themselves don't seem to be free from it. Jokes concerning Logos and Moses, that area unit therefore common in western society, conjointly come back beneath blasphemy. applied scientist Code, once more a shameful allegation on Logos has ne'er been taken seriously by the West therefore however Islam can get its due respect.

Pre Islam, tribes like Thamud (Qom-e-Samood in Arabic) throughout the time of Prophet Saleh, the swayer throughout the time of Prophet Moses and numerous tribes like Aad, and tribe of Prophet Lut area unit the most important samples of social control by Almighty as their ruins show however He took them to task and doomed them to disaster on disgracing their prophets and not following the correct path.

In the recent times we've seen several frequent blasphemic activities beneath the name of 'free media" and "freedom of speech" within the West wherever the Scandinavian coalition has vie a lively role in extinction the Muslim World's spiritual beliefs and flared-up their emotions during this regard. moreover, individuals like Salman Rushdi World Health Organization is legendary for his Satanic Verses did it earlier and lots of came shortly. The recent dispute over 'Draw Muhammad Day' on Facebook has surpassed all the bounds and cover version of terrorist act which might simply be named as "Intellectual terrorist act"- the foremost dangerous kind of Terrorism. it's emerged fully swing by depiction verity hate between Islam and therefore the remainder of the globe. The day isn't way that "Intellectual Terrorism" can bring Muslims and Christians hostile wherever Jews can act as a referee.

A handful folks that area unit wiggling with the emotions of whole Muslim world and slamming their spiritual beliefs have given a replacement and effective method as the way to provoke Muslims for strain sentiments. This whole programme is developed in such a fashion that a standard non-Muslim will simply believe that thanks to strain sentiments, Muslims area unit terrorists and wish to kill them by any suggests that. Although, it's not a illustration of a standard non-Muslim World Health Organization is proud of his life and living peacefully in his country, however; a powerful Judaic lobby, that ne'er desires peace within the world and perpetually attempt to rouse such problems which might produce spiritual unrest round the globe.

Miracles of the Quran

Miracles of the Quran

The Holy Quran which was revelated on the Holy Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) 1400 years back is still a fully fledged book of guidance for those who ponder and understand the true essence of God Almighty's teachings to mankind. The Quran being a holy book still provide us with such thought provoking miraculous things which are valid till the Day of Judgment and life hereafter. Not only the religious aspects, The Holy Book, revelates those aspects which were never known to human beings 1400 year back, however; they the very well known to today's scientific world. It is to be noted that the Quran is not just limited to the Muslims, but it is a treasure of wisdom and knowledge for those who read understand and believe in it.

Following the five selected miracles, which are minute drops taken from the Ocean of miracles and predictions, addressed by the Holy Quran.

1) Universe is in motion and expanding

About 1400 Years ago when science of astronomy was just in its primitive stage, Quran revealed that the universe is expanding. The Quran states, "and it is We who have constructed the heaven with might and verily. It is We who are steadily expanding it" (The Quran, 51:47). Until the dawn of twentieth century, the science had no clue whether the universe is expanding or not, it was a common myth that universe is static. It is the miracle of Holy Quran who told mankind about it 1400 years ago. In early 20th Century, Belgian Cosmologist Georges Leimaitre, discovered and proved by his theoretical calculations that the earth has a beginning and its continuously expanding. Later on many well known astronomers and even NASA has agreed and authenticated the fact that the universe is in constant motion.

2) God has created Orbits and all the heavenly bodies are floating in sync

It was the time when there were no telescopes, space shuttles and modern scientific technology, Quran disclosed to its believers that, "it is He who created the night and the day, and the Sun and the Moon. They swim along each in an orbit" (The Quran, 36:38). In another verse the God Almighty says, "By the sky, full of orbits and paths" (The Quran, 51:7). Today we know that Sun is not static and all the planets are moving on their predefined orbits. There are hundred and thousand of galaxies, consisting of billions of stars and all are moving in a systematic manner and cannot deviate from their orbits and paths. The Quran registered it 1400 years back.

3) Earth is not flat but round:

For Centuries, it was known to the West that the Earth is flat and not round and the scientists came to know about the roundness of earth quite later to the Quranic revelation. Quran hinted that earth is not flat but round in the following verses, "He has created the Heavens and the Earth for truth. He wraps up the night in the day and wraps the day up in the night" (The Quran 39:5). In Arabic, wrapping is referred towards the way a turban is worn (round and round). As the Holy Book is revelated in Arabic so it has communicated initially to the Arabs who used to wear turbans, who would understand as how the day and night phenomena takes place and how it operates in a circular motion

4) Everything is created in pairs

Till 1933, it was not known to anyone that everything is paired on this planet. It was Paul Dirac, a British scientist who proved that the matter is created in pairs and a won a noble prize on this discovery in 1933. According to him every matter has its anti-matter for instance proton is positively charged paired with an electron which is negatively charged particle. Quran disclosed it to the mankind in the 7th Century AD. The Quran states, "Glory be to Him who created all in pairs. From what the earth produces, from themselves and from things unknown to them" (The Quran 36:36). Undoubtedly, glory lies to the God Almighty and none other.

5) Frontal part of cerebrum (brain) controls the vice and virtue

"No indeed if he does not stop, We will grab him by the forelock, a lying sinful forelock" (The Quran, 96: 15-16). Here the Quran addresses to the sinful man's frontal part of the cerebrum. The forelock or frontal part of the cerebrum is the part of the human brain which is responsible for planning, motivation and initiating the good and sinful behavior. This is an area which controls the lies and truth of a human being (see Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology). Here again, this discovery has just taken place around 60 years back where the Holy Quran has proved it in 7th Century AD.

The Holy Quran does not need justifications. What God's revelation states is the truth and nothing else. In today's world most of the things have been proved in the light of Holy Quran many have to come in future. It is only a matter of understanding and believing in the words of God, which reached to us through Prophet Mohammed (PBUH).

Learning the Quran Recitation

Learning the Quran Recitation

It is extremely inspired and counseled in Islam. Our Prophet (s.a.w) said, "Adorn and embellish the (Holy) religious text along with your (good) voice." This Hadees directly implies that the Muslims ought to do the religious text recitation superbly. In fact, it's very vital to recite the religious text during a sensible manner. it's an honest plan to hunt formal education of the religious text recitation.

In the Muslim world, there area unit such a large amount of totally different words and phrases used for the religious text recitation. a number of the foremost documented of those words and phrases area unit given as follows.

Tajweed reading
Mujawwad e religious text
Modulated reading

All of the higher than words and phrases ask the religious text recitation. doubtless, the recitation of religious text could be a supply of nice blessings and virtues granted by God Almighty. many of us regard it because the supply of the virtues, which is able to vastly facilitate within the hereafter.

Along with the recitation of religious text, it's very vital for an individual to know the meanings of the religious text. once one word of the religious text is recited, it brings 10 virtues. nonetheless, once an individual reads the interpretation of the religious text, there's a bright probability that his or her life are going to be reworked. If an individual becomes an honest Muslim when reading the religious text translation and clarification, he or she's going to get virtues ceaselessly.

There area unit such a large amount of kinds of the religious text recitation. Whichever the design one may adopt, it's vital tolearn the religious text with the assistance of fine religious text tutor. For the religious text recitation, an honest tutor may well be of lots of facilitate as compared to the assist sessions. Some individuals area unit underneath the perception that the assist sessions area unit free. However, it's not true. the books and therefore the CDs of the assist sessions return at a value. thus as compared to the assist session the hiring of a coach for the religious text recitation may well be an honest plan.

There area unit sure manners of the recitation that a Muslim should apprehend.One ought to be neat and clean. it's additionally sensible if one will the ablution; it's not necessary tho'. aside from that, all the Muslims should apprehend that it's obligatory to concentrate wordlessly if the religious text is being recited before them. it's a signal of nice disrespect to speak once somebody is reciting the religious text.

"And you're not (engaged) in any affair, nor does one recite regarding it any portion of the religious text, nor does one do any work however we tend to area unit witnesses over you once you enter into it, associate degreed there doesn't lie hid from your Lord the burden of an atom within the earth or within the heaven, nor something but that nor larger, however it's during a clear book". Yunus [10:61]

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Holy Quran - In Historical and Scientific Prospects

Holy Quran - In Historical and Scientific Prospects

Quran the book for the muslims. As each faith has its own holy books, Quran is that the holy book individual to the Muslim faith. it's a present to individuals by the God. Quran has concerning thirty Chapters, 114 Surahs and 6500+ verses for guiding the humans towards their final goal. Holy Quran consists of the foundations and laws for the final lifetime of individuals. owing to some misunderstandings general folks (other than Muslims) don't have a positive angle for the teachings of Quran. however there area unit several historical and scientific prospects of Quran. With a close study of Quran anyone will perceive its intention for human behavior.

The Quran notably, is that the ideal thanks to settle for God religiously still as mentally. The invite to copy on God's signs is well aforesaid throughout the Quran. Quran says, to not settle for any data till unless you verify it, that the god has talented U.S.A. the sightedness, brain, and senses. God has asked U.S.A. to browse the holy Quran terribly rigorously.

In scientific prospects of Quran, it's most scientific content in itself. The new researches by the human that area unit coming back within the light-weight in current situation area unit delineated  in Quran deeply. it's delineated  in Quran that everything during this mortal world comes from the word "Allah", that includes a deep resonance frequency. the large bang theory is that the reflection of separate heaven and earth theory in Quran. In alternative scientific respects of Quran, the progress of a person's kid in mother's female internal reproductive organ is explained well in Quran from the generation of gamete up to a person's kid.

In historical aspects of Quran, it's the correct historical events just like the destiny of ruler. alternative historical facts of Quran embody the defeat of Persians in pitched battle battle with the Romans. So, Quran has wealthy historical segments still in its verses.

Verses of Quran offers a confirmation that God has given U.S.A. proofs of His existence and conjointly within the whole universe. It all offers a decision to browse, replicate and verify. Unhappily, some typical Muslims still hadn't accepted the good miracles of The Quran and notice it arduous to simply accept that God includes a solid proof of its existence in Quran. It simply exposes the cognitive content of them towards God and Quran despite the actual fact that historical and scientific prospects of Quran are proved .

According to the sculptures, there area unit a dozen of reasons, why Muslims ought to follow the Quran and zilch else ought to have an effect on or amend the spiritual laws of Islam. The Quran contains God's law that lay down the rituals and practices of worship, however conjointly meant to realize justice. The Quran forever offers solid and uncomplicated clear-cut solutions. If there's quite one resolution, it forever offers allowance for sophisticated or extraordinary conditions.

So, as per this time holy Quran ought to be learned within the light-weight of historical and scientific prospects of Quran. it's the most reason behind {the fact|the terribly fact|the actual fact} that Muslim faith is growing and could be a very massive community currently. it's another vital indisputable fact that the virtues of True Islam area unit the implications of Quran and derived from the customs of Muslim faith.